Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A "Moderate!"

My apologies for the delay in posting.  I was distracted by something shiny in my in box and just completely forgot to post anything.

I have no illusions that the cyber community really missed anything that I had to say.

On to the topic at hand...

This is election season and across the country, well, in Texas at least (I can't speak for any other states), the race is on for the candidates to beat their chests and proclaim themselves more conservative than the other guy (or gal).

Last week I even saw an ad for an opponent of David Dewhurst, our current Republican Lt. Governor.  I forget which opponent this is, however; there are a couple of them and I didn't notice who's commercial I was watching.

In any case, this candidate pointed fingers at our man David and proclaimed him to be, get ready..."a moderate!"  That's right, friends and neighbors, these days even a political moderate is too "liberal" (whatever "liberal" means).

I've never really followed ol' Dave's career, other than to note that he hitched his political wagon to Governor Goodhair's some years ago.  That doesn't say anything about him, I don't think, other than that he's politically astute.

The interesting point here, at least to me, is that in 2012, some 20 years after the Reagan Revolution, we've come to the point where being a "moderate" is a bad thing.

Boy, talk about polarization!

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