Thursday, January 5, 2012

I fear no squirrel...

I never had a BB gun growing up, and I think that it has had negative effect on me, especially since I grew up in Texas, in Tarrant County, next door to Fort Worth, "where the West begins." All of my friends had BB guns, but my parents (really, I think it was my Mom) forbade such weapons. However, Kid 2 has resolved this painful part of my boyhood by buying me a BB gun for my birthday last year, and for Christmas this year. They aren't anything like those elaborate $200 fancy air rifles, just your basic Daisy Buck and then a Daisy Red Ryder. Not only does this resolve that ugly period of my youth when I was forced by authority to go around unarmed, it also allows me escalate combat operations against the neighborhood squirrel that has been stealing my pecans. I only have one pecan tree in my yard, and it has surved drought, freezes, hailstorms, and many years of being snapped off at the base every winter by my kids. It has finally starting producing pecans, which I love, but sadly, which I rarely get to enjoy, thanks to that thieving little furry bastard. I should point out that we live in what used to be ranchland, and there was scarcely one tree in the whole subdivision when we moved it 13 years ago. Through diligent planting, however, it's now fairly shady, at least for this part of Texas. Hence the squirrel. However, the little furry bastard has made himself scarce since I've upgraded the armory. I guess because of the drought this year the pecan crop was severly limited. My wife saw him a couple of times, and once I was able to get a quick shot off, but I shot high. I've taken the opportunity hone my marksmanship by plinking away at an empty beer can that I hung on a crepe myrtle tree at the back of the back yard, and I must say...I'm a hell of a shot. Now, if I can get the damn squirrel to just sit on top of that can...

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