Sunday, February 5, 2012

Do you have conversations like this?

My wife and I were diving home from lunch Friday, having taken my mother in law out to celebrate her finishing up some medical treatments. 

We were stopped at a stop light in our town (which has grown over 300 percent in the last few years, thanks to an unchecked flood of Yankees and other uninvited misfits), and my wife happened to see a car emblazoned with a Jimmy Johns signboard.  This is a sandwich shop outfit that claims to have, "world class sandwiches."  I've never had one, so cannot dispute or agree to that assertion.  With no evidence to the contrary, though, I'm willing to concede their point.  In any case that has no bearing on the conversation with my wife, which went along the lines of:

Wife (pointing at the car):  Jimmy Johns...didn't we get their cups at the game?  They had those papers in them?

Me:     Who's cups?  (I was looking the other direction and didn't see her pointing at the car)  What papers?

Wife (still pointing):   Those cups; from Jimmy Johns!

Me (seeing the car, but still asking):    What are you talking about?

Wife:     Those Jimmy John's cups; we have a whole cupboard full of them!   The girls got them at the stadium! They came stuffed with coupons.

Me:     I know we have cups from Jimmy Johns in our cupboard, but I have no idea where they came from; I just figured the girls brought them home from somewhere.

Wife (frustrated sigh):  Just shut up; you're gonna make me have to pee.

The interesting question, here, is how can two people who have been in a 30 year relationship have a conversation that is so totally disjointed?  We were in the same car, in the same traffic, and in the end were looking at the same object of discussion, yet for the entire conversation we seemed to be talking about two different things.  

Now, if you were to ask my wife (and I imagine any wife would concur with this), she would say that I just wasn't paying attention to what she said.

This might have been true, at first, as I was looking in another direction, but as the conversation went on I knew what we were talking about, but I am still, 48 hours later, not sure why we were talking about it.  

On the other hand, though, if two people were completely in sync 100 percent of the time, how boring would that be?

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