Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Just Another Season (the new book) is available!

After a little wrestling and wrangling with, Just Another Season, my second novel, is now up and available on  The delay is entirely my own fault; I had a bit of a difficult time finding a cover picture that I liked.  Also, as related before, I had much grief coming up with a title.

Just Another Season is the best I could come up with, and I think it's actually appropriate to the story.

I should thank Kid 2 for the cover photograph.  I needed a small high school football stadium, of which we have very few, here in the DFW Dirtyplex, so she volunteered to skulk around the local stadium where she lives in East Texas and take some pictures.

I still have the long term goal of seeing these books published by traditional means, but it's dream that's fading, thanks in large part to and it's incredibly user-friendly method of self publishing.

I did send Carlos Came Home to a whole slew o'agents and publishers some years ago, but was largely ignored by the mainstream publishing industry (objectively speaking, I can't say that I blame them), but publishing something electronically these days is really easy, so I find that I spend less and less time thinking of  the traditional route to publishing success.

Inspiration from the story came largely from my wife and I following our daughters all over Texas while they were in high school marching bands and playing on various teams.  Just sitting and quietly listening to teenagers will be an inspirational exercise to anyone.

Anyway, here's the link...Just Another Season.  You can read a few chapters for free.  I'd love some feedback, friends!

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