Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Dick Cheney, those dangerous Canadians, and catfish (...and water!)

First things first...the water's back on.  Turns out that that girl who I talked to at Lake Livingston Water was right.  It was fixed when it was fixed.

This headline caught my eye this morning:

Dick Cheney cancels trip to Canada, saying it's too dangerous

The story is here:  Cheney's scared...

Seems that Vice President Cheney is scared of those Canadians.  The meat of the story is:

Ryan Ruppert, president of promotions company Spectre Live Corp., which scheduled Cheney's April 24 appearance at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, said Cheney and his daughter, Elizabeth, canceled citing safety concerns.
"After speaking with their security advisors, they changed their mind on coming to the event," Ruppert told CTV Network. They "decided it was better for their personal safety they stay out of Canada."

Further on down the story says:

Cheney -- who has visited plenty of dangerous places in his time, including Iraq in 2008 -- is a lightning rod for controversy in some corners of Canada. His harshest critics there call him a "war criminal" and blame him for human rights violations including the United States' controversial use of waterboarding to elicit information from terrorist suspects.
Violence broke out when Cheney visited Vancouver in September as part of the book tour for his memoir, "In My Time," which he wrote with daughter Elizabeth. Cheney had to hole up inside the building for hours as police in riot gear took on demonstrators.

So, from this can we infer:
  • Cheney is afraid of controversy?
  • Cheney is afraid of a few ornery Canadians?
  • He thinks that Toronto is a more dangerous place than Iraq?
  • He doesn't think that the local Canadian cops are up to snuff?
I must say, I lost a little respect for the man today.

In other news, K3, home on spring break from Texas Tech, my wife and I took advantage of a beautiful spring day yesterday to do a little fishing from the dock.

K3 baited up her line with a chunk o'hot dog (we're not real technical here) and then proceeded to heave her hook into the lake in what must be the world's oddest casting motion.  She sort of just heaves it forward into the water, but still manages to get a good distance.  Very odd...

Anyway, upon casting her line she sat in her chair, pulled on her sunglasses, and, following in her two older sisters' footsteps, affected that air of teen age girls everywhere.  You know the look, sort of a cross between a look of disengaged boredom and entitlement.

Which lasted until she caught her first fish, a little one pound channel cat.  Then she was all excited and screaming for her Daddy to come get it.

One of life's great moments.

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