Monday, March 5, 2012

Hold your horses there, all you other GOP'ers...and the "Fuzz and Wuzz" media

Let me state right off the bat that I'm not a fan of President Obama.  It's not because I think he's a secret Muslim, or that he wasn't born in the US, or that he's (fill in the blank here with your favorite Obama-bot terror scenario).

I  just don't like his politics.

But (But!!) the man's taking a lot of heat from the Repub candidates that I think is unfair.

I read two columns today in our local paper, The Polk County Enterprise (unsolicited plug here...this is a really good small town paper) that make my point better than I could.

The first is a column called GOP 2012:  The pro-fiction campaign.  Check it out here:   The pro fiction campaign.  This is an excellent column commenting on several of the Repub current battle cries.

The second column that caught my eye was by Jim Hightower (former Texas Agricultural Commissioner).  Find it here:  Keystone XL Flim Flam.

To capsulize this column a bit, it seems that the Keystone pipeline (recently held up by the Obama administration) wouldn't help lower gas prices one little bit here in the good ol' USA.  What it would do is allow a Canadian company to seize American property through eminent domain (Yikes!) along the proposed 2,000 mile pipeline.

Once it got to the refineries on the Texas coast (assuming it didn't leak out along the way, which is without a doubt possible along a 2,000 mile pipeline), it would be refined into products that are destined to be shipped into the worldwide market.  Not one gallon would wind up here.  (Lord God!) Not only that, fellow citizens, these refineries are within Tax Free Zones, so not only would all of this product be shipped overseas, it would go there without being taxed.

So who wins in that deal?

Like I said, I'm not a fan of President Obama, and I won't vote for him in the coming elections, but in the interest of fairness I just had to comment.

Also in the news, here in greater Onalaska, Texas...

Being in a very small town our local TV channels are all from Houston.  Being new here we've been trying to watch a different local news program every night to see which ones we like the best.  In doing so we've come to the conclusion that people in the Houston area fall into three categories:  1)  crime victims,  or 2) criminals currently under suspicion or arrest, or 3) criminals on the run who are likely to fall at some point into category two.

The locals news stations breathlessly report, on each newscast, who was shot, who it was that shot him, and if he's still on the loose or if he's been nabbed by the cops.

So far as I can see, nothing good happens in Houston.

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