Thursday, March 8, 2012

Over the last couple of days I've been a bit stumped for a subject to write about.  The Houston Chronicle was no help, and neither was the local Penny Saver.  Both are usually chock-full of potential, but nothing really caught my eye.

This morning I thought, "surely there's a politician somewhere that has something insensible to say."  I reviewed all of the usual suspects, CBS, Fox News, MSNBC, even, in my growing desperation ABC News (which, for a news Website seems to have little news) but the politicos have been strangely silent the last day or so.  Fortunately CNN came to the rescue.

Embedded in their site is this story:  Wash my britches!.  I got a good chuckle when I read it, knowing full well that if my wife, or any of my three daughters were to read that, there'd be hell to pay.

The social networks are apparently all atwitter over this egregiously heinous crime, but really...come on; can't we just laugh about it and move on?

Now, obviously someone pulled a fast one on this clothing outfit, and whoever was responsible for quality control was asleep at the switch.

But is this really the kind of thing that should occupy anyone's time beyond a quick laugh?

Seems to me that we spend so much time looking for offenses of any kind that we've forgotten our sense of humor.  

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