Thursday, December 29, 2011

Moving...come get your stuff

The wife and I are moving, finally finding that nice house on the lake that we've been looking for for several years. 

Having found a buyer for our present house, and with mortgage company giving their final blessing to our purchase, we have begun the chore of packing.

While sifting through stuff to throw away, stuff to give to charity, and stuff to take with us I was surprised to see how much stuff in this house belongs to our kids.  K1 has been on her own for the last 18 months or so, K2 is living with her and has been out of our house for about a year.  K3 is at college, so I consider her to be a part time boarder.  Mostly she just is storing the stuff here that she doesn't have room for in her dorm room.

So, what this all boils down to that K's 1 and 2 have a significant pile of junk in our house that I do not want to move, and am tempted to give to charity.  I would do so except for the wife.  She says that some of this stuff the kids want to keep.

Fine, says I.  The kids can come and get it.

But then I think back to when I moved out and my parents chattered incessantly about me getting my things out of their garage.  They didn't give me any timeline to complete this project, but ol' Dad let me know that it wasn't an open ended timeline.

He proved it a short time later by selling my pickup for $25.00.  And, even more painful, my childhood baseball card collection disappeared.  I had some great cards that would be very valuable to someone, so I hope that whomever this family bandit was was smart enough to sell them, but I suspect that the thief (who I suspect was my Mom), just threw them away.

Family tragedy.

Now the shoe's on the other foot.  There's nothing too valuable that my kids are storing here, with the exception of some prom dresses that K1 wants to loan to some of the girls she teaches who might not otherwise be able to afford a nice dress.

I now see the issue from my Dad's perspective. So, how justified am I in tossing all of this stuff? 
What is the grace period involved, here?

1 comment:

  1. Gees Dad, We will get it in 2 Weeks. Quit being so high maintenance. (By the way, I only want the prom dresses, throw everything else away.)
