Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Scratch that off the bucket list (shameless plug alert)!

It's been a long time goal of mine to write a novel and to have it published. 

Over the last few years I've written, had edited, and revised a novel.  It is that point that I discovered that writing the novel is the easiest part.  Selling to a publisher, or finding an agent, is much more difficult. to the rescue!

While browsing through their site I noticed a sign exhorting me to self publish with them.  "Click, click, click, click," goes the unknown novelist.

Voila!  Agent? Publisher?  I don't got no agent!  I don't need no agent!  I don't need no stinkin' publisher!

Anyhow, scratch that off the bucket's the link if you want to check it out; I think there's a few sample chapters you can read:    Carlos Came Home

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