Friday, April 13, 2012

Communists (and girl scouts), and snakes and spiders

I was scanning the news yesterday and was surprised to see that our old foe, the Red Menace, is back.  That's right, friends and neighbors, Communism is making serious inroads in our society and if we're not careful they will soon overrun the good old USA.

Seems like our man on the scene in Florida, Rep Allen West (R), through hard work and diligence has unearthed, "78 to 81 members of the Democratic Party that are members of the Communist Party."  See the story here:  Commies!

"78 to 81?"  That may be the largest concentration of pinkos left in the world! 

But wait, there's more!

"West's campaign manager, Tim Edison, pointed reporters to West's next comments, when he says the members in question belong to the Congressional Progressive Caucus."

Boy, I mean to tell you...combine these Congressional Communists with those un-American Girl Scouts (see my previous post) and this country is on the brink!

Closer to home...

I'm not sure which is worse; actually seeing the snake, or the fear that I might see the snake.  On the one hand, unexpectedly walking up on a good size snake will make me sonofabitch across the yard, but just the fear of actually seeing the little slithery bastard gives me the collywobbles. 

I say this because after chatting with some neighbors over the last week or so, it appears that we may live in the most heavily armed street in the country, at least when it comes to snake fightin'.  Seems that all of our neighbors have at least one gun, loaded and ready to go, in case they are beset by serpents.

It's good know, of course, that help is only a yelp away, but on the other hand, I'll have to keep in mind that all of my neighbors are armed to the teeth. 

As I may have said before, I don't mind rattlesnakes so much. as they are essentially peaceful creatures (except when they are hungry), prefer to mind their own business, and will generally seek to avoid confrontation.  Water moccasins, on the other hand, are aggressive and silent assassins.  Kill on sight, and kill on site!

Though I hate spiders more (after seeing a friend of mine bitten by a brown recluse when I was about 10, and learning that he almost died), spiders around here are everywhere.   They come in all shapes, sizes and venomosity (if that's a word) and so I'm resigned to them.

1 comment:

  1. I can send Rocky the wonder dog down for a while. He caught a 2 foot snake in the back yard the other day.
