Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Gender warfare in the bathroom

Two months ago this week we moved into this new house.  In the master bathroom is a wooden medicine cabinet mounted on the wall; it's the kind that has two mirrored doors that open in the middle, and lights on the top; there are two shelves inside.  It has a sticker inside that's dated 1991.  You'd recognize it if you saw it; you might have a similar one, or there (more likely) is one in your parent's or grandparent's house.

When we moved in I knew exactly what would happen with this deal.

When my wife unboxed everything in the bathroom and put everything where she wanted it, this medicine cabinet's space was equally divided.  The way I see it, if she's going to volunteer to unbox stuff and put it away then she can decide where stuff goes.  That applies to all rooms, but especially, especially, to the kitchen, and in this case, the bathroom.

My side currently holds anti-perspirant, a razor, and my beard trimmer.  There are two "neutral" items on my side as well, cough medicine and a flashlight.  (Not sure why that's there, but this is the fourth time we've moved since we've been married, and I learned long ago not to question these types of decisions).

What's on her side, you ask?  Well, there's currently 27 various items.  Some I can identify, and some I cannot identify.  She swears that each is vital to her daily routine.  I love her, so I'll take her at her word.

This morning, as I opened up the door to get the razor, the inevitable happened. Her stuff was on my side. Specifically, a package of cotton "rounds" had tumbled over and spilled onto my side.

Now, in the grand scheme of things, this really doesn't matter.  I just pushed it back over to her side with all of the other girly stuff, picked up the razor and went about my business.

What's puzzling, though, is why she needs 27 various items just to get ready to go somewhere.  I don't know if this 27 constitutes the entire list, either.  For all I know there could be another 27 bottles of goop hidden around; there may be 127.  Who knows?

(Note:  I took a break here, and the wife read what I've written so far.  Her comment?  If you only have three things in there why can't I have your space, too?)

I can't fault the logic, so to counter her argument I'll just fill up my side.  I'll put some tools in there, pliers, screwdrivers, etc, and maybe some fish hooks and lures.

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