Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Conversation with my inner self

Yesterday I was shaving, and I looked up in the mirror to see that my inner self had showed up, and it was immediately obvious that he had something on his mind.

Me:     What do you want?

IS:      I thought you wanted to be a writer?

Me:     Oh man,  not this again. I am a writer; I've written two self published novels, I've outlined a third, and I'm working on a book of short stories.

IS:      What have you written lately?

Me:     Not a damn word.

IS:      Why not?

Me:     You go to hell; I don't have time for this.

IS:     Answer the question.

Me:    Look, I just haven't, OK?  I've got plenty of stuff started, but just haven't sat down and written anything new.  Happy?  You think I'm happy about that?  I'm not; I'm just having a hard time getting motivated.

IS:     <Snorts in disgust>  You're a pathetic excuse for a writer.  If you want to be considered a writer, you have to write!

Me:    Well, I've been busy.  We just moved into this house a couple of months ago, and it's just taken awhile to get things sorted out.

IS:     Lame excuse.

Me:    Look, writing is a process; you know this.  You can't just jump into it and crank out five thousand words.  There's a measure of inspiration and motivation that needs to be there.

IS:    Bullshit!  Why don't you at least try to get your two books published?

Me:    I've tried.  The mainstream publishing industry doesn't appreciate my work.

IS:    What's not to get?  Your "work" is a collection of ninety five thousand words of rubbish.  I'll be  you can't even describe it.

Me:     Well, it's sort of Texas post-modern fiction with southwest and Mexican influences.

IS:     Oh my God, "Texas post-modern fiction with southwest and Mexican influences?"  What does that even mean?  You don't even know what kind of fiction you're trying to write!

Me:     No one ever said that writing is easy.

IS:    Being easy has nothing to do with it.  Either write, or try to get published what you have already written!

Me:  Hey, back off! I am a successful writer; my stuff has sold in the high single digits!

IS:   <fading from view>  What a loser.

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