Monday, April 16, 2012

Nazis lobby Congress...the AMERICAN Congress!

Well, the political freaks are coming out of the woodwork.  The American Nazi Party now has its own (vile) congressional lobbyist.

The story can be found here on MSNBC:  Nazis lobby Congress!

The gist of the story is that the American Nazi Party has employed an old boy named John Bowles as its first registered lobbyist.  I guess the key phrase here is, "registered lobbyist."  The difference being that racists and others of that ilk routinely lobby Congress on behalf of their nefarious goals.

Bowles is quoted as saying, "“You know, congressmen and congresswomen have always been telling the American public that they were open to other viewpoints.  I’m going to see if they were sincere about that, or I’m going to call their bluff.”

Business Insider has some additional information on Mr. Bowles:  John Bowles

Here's a link to the American Nazi Web site.  It contains some scary stuff:

It's easy to laugh at Congressmen bringing up the old Red Scare, and at state lobbyists railing against Girl Scouts, but to have something as vile as the American Nazi Party officially start to lobby Congress just seems to be a first step down a horribly slippery slope.  

What's equally as scary is that there may be a few Congress-critters who would happily listen to the Nazi diatribe so long as the cash keeps flowing.

The old saying is that, "politics makes strange bedfellows," of which I always that a prime example was the Allied countries of World War II (England, the US and the Soviets).  Who'd have thought that less than a century later the Nazis would be back, officially lobbying Congress on behalf of their poisonous viewpoint?

Seems to me that we've been down particular road before, and decided as a nation that the Nazi philosophy has no place in a civilized world.

The First Amendment is a great thing, but sometimes it's a bit hard to stomach.

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