Friday, April 20, 2012

Engage filter before opening mouth

Every gal has two "looks" that she can give her husband or boyfriend.  The good look is the one that melts your heart, and reminds you of why you fell in love with her in the first place.  The bad look, the "other" look, is the one that freezes your blood and makes you want to crawl inside a hole.  This is the look that says that she can't wait until you fall asleep so she can cut you up like a chicken.

I had this conversation with the wife outside the grocery store a couple of days ago, where the total at the register was more than I had anticipated, based on looking at the amount of groceries that were in the cart:

Me:  How much was it?
Her:  Hundred and sixty one
Me:  Dollars?  Wow; I didn't think it would be that much!
Her:  Well, we bought some expensive stuff, and some medicine.  And my make up is expensive.
Me:  Is it just more expensive, or does it have to do more work?

Guess which "look" I got?

However, I was able to redeem myself yesterday.

We took advantage of a beautiful, sunny day here in Onalaska and spent the afternoon fishing from the dock.  At one point we spotted an S cruising slowly by in the water.  Though he couldn't be completely and accurately identified (could have been a rat snake, but he could have also been a water moccasin) the wife was outraged and demanded stern measures be immediately taken, so I hotfooted it into the house and grabbed my trusty Daisy Red Ryder.  Bringing accurate rifle fire to bear against Mr. S, I drove him out away from the dock, negating the threat.

One of her fears is catching an S instead of a fish.  That's one of my fears, too, because after she screams, throws the rod and flees the scene, guess who'll  have to deal with the irritated Mr. S?

<Update on the medicine cabinet.>

Out of the blue last night wife commented, "If you only have three things on your side, why do you need all that space?"

I guess that makes some kind of sense.

She also threatened mayhem if she opened medicine cabinet and found fishing hooks and lures in it.  I made no promises, but reserve the right to stock my side with whatever items I choose.  

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